Monday, February 19, 2007

What would the affect of someone in your class suddenly being given 5,000,000 dollars be? Would it bring out the best or worst in people?

If one of us just randomly won $5,000,000, I would be happy for them. I fee as though I would see some good productive things. However, I wouldn't be suprised if I saw some bad things too. I would probably see a new school building go up and some of Connors and my experiument might be funded. But I would probably only find temptation and greed with the rest of the cash since money cannot bring happiness!!!!!!


Bethy said...

I know this sounds bad, but if I didn't get the money I would be pretty jealous! If I think about getting a lot of money I think about all the good I could do for the world, but really if I got the money I would probably become really greedy and stuck up!!!!

Koko said...

Woah! If someone in our school got 5 million I would SO be envyous!!! I would really really hope I knew them well so they would share some!!!
I think that they probably would help with the new building and maybe give some to fellow students.
But even though I would be greedy, I would pray for them that it doesn't go to their heads!

gollum said...

me 2

Heat Seeker said...

You think you would. I think there would be a lot of pressure on that person by us and the rest of that persons freinds.

I'm Coming!

BIG DUDE said...

I would buy a good comapny and put the rest in the bank...
And of course I would help the school...
Maybe i will make a feildtrip to Somewhere out of Kazhstan!!!