Monday, February 19, 2007

Did Kino kill Coyotito?

Well theres an argument. Connor and I think that it was to hunter guy. We said that it couldn't have been Kino becuase he only fired only two shots (the first was into the third hunter (the first he stabed and the second he knocked out with the butt of the rifle) which made his stumble backwards into a lake and the second was right between his eyes) and both of them (if my coordinateds are correct) are fired downhill. Coyotito died when the fist hunter fired, thinking he was shooting a coyote. But thats just what we think, what do you guys think?


Bethy said...

NO! Kino did not kill his own son! It says in the book that the tracker with the gun was shotting at the sound to make it quiet! The tracker shot BEFORE Kino jumped on him and killed him!!!! It was the tracker, Not Kino!!!

gollum said...

i agree with you but anna doesn't (gollum, gullom)

Anonymous said...

Kino killed his son(in my opinion). He was so obsessed with making his son's life better that he forgot the rules of living.

Koko said...

I agree with Sonia, Kino didn't shoot his son (it would've been cooler if he did) but he is responsible for his death cause it was his fault they were being followed in the first place. Also, he didn't jump in time. I wonder if he regrets it...?

gollum said...

sorry bethy. but indirectly kino did kill his son. at least thats what i put on my test. so i hope im right.

Jasmine said...
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Jasmine said...

It's controversial. Kino may or may not have killed his own son, maybe it was the tracker. But remember, the tracker fell into the pool, he never reached the cave where Juana was. And Coyotito was positioned BEHIND Juana, not in front. So how was the tracker able to kill Coyotito from where he was? When Kino shot the man between the eyes, the could've bullet ricoched of the walls of the cave and hit Coyotito, so Kino may have indirectally illed Coyotito. But, that's just my opinion. The fact still remains that we will never know for sure who killed Coyotito.